& Environmental
College of Human Medicine


Surveillance Of Work-Related And Environmental Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In Michigan

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in conjunction with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) has been developing core environmental health indicators as a starting point in tracking the occurrence of environmental hazards, exposures, and adverse health outcomes. One of these core indicators includes carbon monoxide poisoning where the data sources for this indicator are the number of deaths where carbon monoxide is the cause of death and the number of hospitalizations and emergency department visits attributed to carbon monoxide exposure.

In Michigan, surveillance for carbon monoxide poisoning began in 2008 and continued through 2014. The two main sources of reports of carbon monoxide were the Michigan Poison Control Center and Hospital Discharge Reports. A Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) regulation requires laboratories to report carboxyhemoglobin results.